When your spending money to drive traffic from a search engine to your website, you want as many people as possible to become customers (aka, a high conversion rate). Here are a few essential elements that increase conversion:
1. Tap-able Phone Number Buttons
Make it as easy as possible for a user to contact you. With the prevalence and usage of smart phones to search for services & service solutions, you want to make sure there are no extra steps to cause a lag between seeing your phone number and calling it. Anytime your business phone number is displayed, it should be a link with the href attribute set to “tel:555-555-5555”.
2. Build Trust with Badges & Five Star Reviews
Potential clients want to know if you’re trust-worthy and if you know what your doing. Do you have any five-star reviews on Google, Facebook or Yelp? Do you belong to any business associations, service listing organization or hold brand certification? Display those logo & badges on your site. This is often referred to as a nascar strip. Whether or not those logos link to their respective sites will depend on whether or not your site is being used for generating organic traffic in additional to PPC.
When displaying 5-star reviews, you have the option of creating a graphic or using a widget to display a live-feed of reviews. Selecting one over the other will depend on your hosting account setup and overall site speed. I typically recommend creating graphics that can be compressed and stored on a CDN for optimal speed.
3. Branded Photos of Your Staff
Continuing with trust building, showing off your staff, service vehicles, supplies, office and customers is key. Nothing says ‘fake’ quite like a website full of stock photography. Photos of your technicians and staff provides customers with an idea of what they can expect. Hiring a professional photographer is always the best option, but if you are on a tight budget, you can take some of these yourself. Just be sure to follow a few simple rules:
- Eyes are visible (no sunglasses, no squinting, or hats that shade the eyes excessively)
- Clothing is clean and largely wrinkle free
- Clothing is branded with company logo
- Faces are smiling (technicians working should appear relaxed and pleasant)
- Customer are also smiling
- Service vehicles are clean, organized and in a scenic location (whether that is a well manicured home, park, city skyline or elsewhere, pay attention to the surrounding area – there should be no litter, no broken or chain link fences, no cracks or potholes in the road visible)
- Storefront & office photos should also be clean, organized and well landscaped
4. Local Pages that Match the Users Location
I’ve seen so many SEO agencies emphasize counties over towns on websites. But have you ever searched for a repair service by your county? I haven’t. Users search their town for services. The closer the better. This step takes a bit of research and work – on both the website end and also the PPC campaign end – but it’s worth the effort. The more specific the location, the lower the cost per click – and the more targeted the landing page, the higher the conversion rate.
If you PPC site is also used for organic search, you’ll need to take time creating unique content for each of those pages. Often, you’ll see sites with local references at the end of the page to help increase the localization and unique content, but the bulk of the body content will need to be addressed. Have a staff member work on this – hiring a cheap, non-native speaker results in such low quality content that the page loses credibility and conversions.
5. Display a Local Phone Number
What’s the fastest way to show your business is local to the users area? The phone number area code matches the area code the user is in. You can accomplish this with a number of online routing services that essentially mask your actual phone number with a local phone number. You may have already utilized this service through an online marketer for analytics tracking, but you can setup this up yourself, and it only takes a few additional steps to setup phone numbers for various locals.
Would you like us to review your website?
Contact Contento Interactive Group today for a comprehensive website assessment and business review to find out how you can enhance and support your business with a fast, responsive and user friendly website. Feel like your paying a marketing agency a lot of money and not seeing much ROI (return on investment)? We also provide consultation and advocacy on your behalf – so you stop wasting money on fancy sounding buzz words that don’t help your business grow.